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Fırat Semih Avşar on the Ombudsman for Anti-Discrimination and Equality Office


Istanbul Medipol University stands out as an example of leadership that contributes to social cohesion and intercultural skills by providing a suitable environment for international students to work with the Ombudsman for Anti-Discrimination and Equality. In the articles published as the academic work of Fırat Semih Avşar and Gurur Gülce Beşe, the administrative staff of the university, it is emphasised that the Ombudsman for Anti-Discrimination and Equality sets an example for higher education institutions in Turkey.

Fırat Semih Avşar on the Ombudsman for Anti-Discrimination and Equality Office;

Istanbul Medipol University hopes to improve intercultural competence and social cohesiveness by creating a conducive learning atmosphere for international students. Ombudsman for the Anti-Discrimination and Equality is pioneering in improving the prevention principle of discrimination and equality in higher education institutions. The office offers a reliable system for guaranteeing equity, eliminating prejudice against students, and conducting fair assessments.

The articles describe the daily operations of Istanbul Medipol University's Office of the Ombudsman for Anti-Discrimination and Equality. The office responds to student complaints regarding discrimination, settles disputes, and upholds the equality principle by taking appropriate action. International university students can feel safe and improve their skills by interacting with people from different cultures more often in this way. 

 The Office of Ombudsman for the Anti-Discrimination and Equality of Istanbul Medipol University, led by Fırat Semih Avşar, is acknowledged for its exceptional leadership in enhancing international students' multicultural competencies and overall experience. By this excellent example, other higher education institutions are motivated to adopt similar measures to reinforce the values of equality and non-discrimination. 

I want to thank our office's founding members for their unwavering support and efforts. We are thrilled to be given a chance to work within the corporate vision of our university. 

  • Prof. Dr. Bekir Berat Özipek,
  • Dr. Yakup Levent Korkut,
  • Assoc. Prof. Faik Tanrıkulu,
  • Dr. Arda Akçiçek,
  • Dr. Halime Safiye Atalay,
  • Dr. Duygu Öztürk,
An Example of Leadership: Istanbul Medipol University Office of the Ombudsman for Prevention of Discrimination and Equality
An Example of Leadership.pdf