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We intend to be the only university among the other universities in Turkey, which provides the most scholarship opportunities to international students and creates a diverse environment by the options given during the registration period.

The university’s board of trustees determines tuition fees by adhering to the council of ministers’ decisions of the relevant year for each academic year and announced on the university website. Only the information on our website is valid. Please do not rely on the data from third parties.

2020-2021 academic year tuition fees and scholarship amounts were determined by the Council of Higher Education’s decision and the board of trustees of our university.

Our team supports every student whose application is approved through the scholarship process.

Students applying directly or via an intermediary institution to university, cannot be charged for their application.

Scholarships and discounts will be valid in the language preparation school for the students who cannot meet the language proficiency requirement and are obliged to study the language program.

Scholarships and Discounts

-All the scholarship and discount opportunities are stated below;



The special country scholarship rate is 15% for each student who has one of the following nationalities below;

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Azerbaijan 
  • Bangladesh 
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 
  • Brazil 
  • Bulgaria
  • Cameroon 
  • Congo 
  • Croatia 
  • Chile 
  • China
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo 
  • Egypt
  • North Macedonia
  • Nigeria 
  • India 
  • Indonesia 
  • Ivory Coast 
  • Israel 
  • Kazakhstan 
  • Kyrgyzstan 
  • Kosovo 
  • Malaysia 
  • Mali 
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco 
  • Pakistan 
  • Palestine 
  • Peru 
  • Russia 
  • Serbia 
  • Sierra Leone 
  • Somalia 
  • Tanzania
  • Tajikistan
  • Tunisia 
  • Uzbekhistan

The students who are graduated from one of International High School that we have protocol will have 5% additional scholarship.

Please click here to see the high schools list we have a protocol with.

If more than one family member is studying at our university, a 10% discount will be applied to each member’s/siblings’ tuition fee.

We have a 15% discount at our university for the students who hold one of the passport from the following countries.This scholarship is applied on School of Health Sciences, Education, Communication, Fine Arts Design and Architecture and Humanities and Social Sciences.

*The Scholarship is valid only for 100% Turkish taught programs.

  • Algeria
  • Bahrain 
  • Comoros 
  • Dijbouti 
  • Egypt 
  • Iraq 
  • Jordan 
  • Kuwait 
  • Lebanon 
  • Libya 
  • Mauritania 
  • Morocco 
  • Qatar 
  • Saudi Arabia 
  • Sudan 
  • Syria 
  • Tunisia 
  • United Arab Emirates 
  • Yemen 
  • Oman 
  • Afghanistan

Lump sum advanced payment discount rate is 10%. This discount is applied to all students who wish to pay the tuition all at once or complete the annual tuition fee before the deadline stated in the student’s offer letter.

  • All the scholarships rates stated during the enrollment process are valid until a student graduates. Shall not be any cut-off on the scholarships under any conditions.



Accomplishment Scholarships  

Except for the Compulsory and Optional English Preparatory Class, those who have taken the course and credit load stipulated for that year in the curriculum of the program they are enrolled in, who have completed all the lessons they have taken, to raise their grade in the spring semester or to take the make-up exam due to failure, the annual weighted grade average (SANO) is at least 4.00. Scholarships and discounts will be applied to the first three degrees in the class among undergraduate students with 2.91 or equivalent at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year, with the amount, rates and conditions specified below.

Students enrolled with the Vertical and Internal Transfer Exam must have completed two semesters at Istanbul Medipol University.
When calculating The Annual Weighted Grade Average, the grades of the transferred courses are not included.
If the annual weighted grade point average is the same in the ranking, the third digit after the comma is taken into account.
Students who have completed one or two academic terms at another university with the Student Exchange Program are included in the rankings.
For the student to be included in the success ranking, if there are courses transferred that year, it is necessary to take additional terms to meet these courses’ ECTS credits.
If a student who is entitled to receive a Success Scholarship does not re-register, cancel their enrollment, transfers or is dismissed for any reason, this right shall not be passed on to another student.
The Faculties and Schools’ relevant boards inform the Rectorate of the first three students by reassessing the Success Scholarship at the end of each academic year. The student’s application is not required for the scholarship.
Free education in the next academic year to the student who is the top student in the class,
50% of the tuition fee of the second in class, additional discount from the tuition fee accrued to him,
25% of the tuition fee of the student who is 3rd in his class will be additionally discounted from the tuition fee that will accrue to him.
In the case of the students who rank in the first three are with full scholarships;

  • 450 TL to the Top Scoring Student (for 7 months)
  • 350 TL to the Second of the Class (for 7 months)
  • 250 TL to the Third of the Class (for 7 months)

The student will be given a support scholarship in cash. Success Scholarship is only valid for the following year.


Athlete Success Scholarship:

For our students to benefit from the athlete discounts or awards, they must be selected for school teams, participate in their training regularly and represent our school in official competitions. Students who fulfil these conditions will benefit from the athlete discount while registering for their education in the next academic year.

Medipol University National Athlete Scholarship:

As long as the students- who were nationals at least once in the last five years and get the federation authenticated that they are national, who are selected for the university team, who participate in events related to the university team (meeting, training match, away etc.) and who represent the university individually on national and international competitions- do not receive any disciplinary punishment, they will have an additional 50% tuition discount from the accrued tuition fee to be valid for the next academic year. If the student has a full scholarship, 500 TL education support is given for seven months in the next academic year. Senior students are given 500 TL education support for seven months, starting from the academic year.

Team Athlete Scholarship:

As long as students- those who are not national athletes, but who are selected for the university team and who participate in events related to the university team (meeting, training match, away etc.)- do not receive any disciplinary action, they will have an additional 15% tuition discount from the accrued tuition fee to be valid for the next academic year. If the student has a full scholarship, 300 TL education support is given for seven months in the next academic year. Senior students are given 300 TL education support for seven months, starting from the academic year. Athletes in more than one team can benefit from the team athlete discount once.

Individual Athlete Achievement Award:

Üniversiteyi temsil eden bireysel branşlarda ulusal ve uluslararası yarışmalarda ilk üçe giren öğrencilere, sıralamanın başlama tarihinden itibaren yedi ay süreyle aşağıda belirtilen miktarda burs verilir.

Birinci gelen öğrencilere 700 TL
İkinci gelen öğrencilere 500 TL
Üçüncülükte gelen öğrencilere 300 TL